31 Input/output library [input.output]

31.6 Stream buffers [stream.buffers]

31.6.3 Class template basic_streambuf [streambuf] Protected member functions [streambuf.protected] Put area access [streambuf.put.area]

char_type* pbase() const;
Returns: The beginning pointer for the output sequence.
char_type* pptr() const;
Returns: The next pointer for the output sequence.
char_type* epptr() const;
Returns: The end pointer for the output sequence.
void pbump(int n);
Effects: Adds n to the next pointer for the output sequence.
void setp(char_type* pbeg, char_type* pend);
Preconditions: [pbeg, pend) is a valid range.
Postconditions: pbeg == pbase(), pbeg == pptr(), and pend == epptr() are all true.